Shortcut For System.out.println Java Intellij Mac

Here are the shortcuts I use in my daily Java routine: sout: System.out.println; souf: System.out.printf; fori: for loop; itar: for loop; iter: foreach loop; ALT+ENTER:.

Jetbrains/Intellij keyboard shortcut to collapse all methods (4)

@precastic's answer above is, imo, the right idea.

Worth noting that in IDEA 2018.2 (and surely other nearby versions) there are default keyboard shortcuts for this: (showing Mac, see Code > Folding > Expand All to Level for your system):

Cmd+Option+Keypad *, 1 - expand all to level 1
Cmd+Option+Keypad *, 2 - expand all to level 2
Cmd+Option+Keypad *, 5 - expand all to level 5

Note: these are 'second stroke' shortcuts. First press Cmd+Option+*, then release, then hit the number you want.

I'm working on some legacy code that has a class that is 10,000+ lines of code and has 100s of methods. Is there a shortcut for any jetbrains IDE (since the shortcut would likely be shared across all of them) to collapse all the methods / functions so that only the method signatures are shown?

something like this:

The above suggestion of Ctrl+Shift+- code folds all code blocks recursively. I only wanted to fold the methods for my classes. I managed to achieve this by using the menu option Code > Folding > Expand all to level > 1. I re-assigned it to Ctrl+NumPad-1 which gives me a quick way to collapse my classes down to their methods.

Asus x550vx drivers. Unless otherwise stated, all performance claims are based on theoretical performance. Actual figures may vary in real-world situations. The actual transfer speed of USB 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, and/or Type-C will vary depending on many factors including the processing speed of the host device, file attributes and other factors related to system configuration and your operating environment.

This works at the 'block level' of the file and assumes that you have classes defined at the top level of your file, which works for code such as PHP but not for JavaScript (nested closures etc.)

I just switched from Eclipse to IntelliJ and lack one feature from Eclipse – when you put your mouse over a method it shows a javadoc info. I found out (may be I’m wrong) the way to show is a shortcut command + J. When I click it I get something wrong, please see on the screen shot below. Please advice how can I quickly get javadoc information. I need at least know what type a method returns.


Use ViewQuick Documentation or the corresponding keyboard shortcut (by default: Ctrl+Q on Windows/Linux and Ctrl+J on Mac). See the documentation for more information.

It’s also possible to enable automatic JavaDoc popup on explicit (invoked by a shortcut) code completion in PreferencesEditorGeneralCode completion (Autopopup documentation):

Yet another way to see the quick doc is on mouse move:


In version 13.1+, there is a setting for that

Go to File/Settings, IDE Settings / Editor, then ✔ Show quick doc on mouse move.

Version 14.0+:

Go to File/Settings, Editor, click on General. Scroll down, then ✔ Show quick documentation on mouse move.


Alternatively you can position your cursor on the item and show JavaDoc using


which is the default shortcut.

Edit: As Methical mentioned on Mac the shortcut is

CTRL+j (^+j not +j)


There is nice feature which shows quick documentation when your mouse is over element.

IntelliJ 14

Editor / General -> Show quick documentation on mouse move

Older versions

Panasonic kx mb1520 driver. It explains how to install the hardware and program this PBX using KX-TA Maintenance Console. Advanced Hybrid System, KX-TA824. The Installation Manual is divided into the following sections: Section 1 System Outline Provides general information on the PBX, including the system capacity and specifications.

Add the following line to file:


To best mirror Eclipses functionality, enable the following settings:

  • IDE Settings/Editor -> Other.Show quick doc on mouse move
  • IDE Settings/Editor/Code Completion -> Autopopup Documentation

To see the javadoc in the autocomplete menu, hit ‘.’ to get the popup, then hover over the object you are working with, once you get the javadoc popup, you can select an item in the popup to switch the javadoc over. Not ideal… But its something.

As another note. The search functionality of the options menu is very useful. Just type in ‘doc’ and you will see all the options for doc.

Also, searching for “autopopup doc” will not only find each of the options, but it will also highlight them in the menu. Pretty awesome!

Going beyond the initial question, this might be useful for people who just want quick and easy access to the docs.

After using this for a few more days, it seems just getting used to using the hotkey is the most efficient way. It will pop up the documentation for anything at the spot of where your text input marker is so you never have to touch the mouse. This works in the intellisense popup as well and will stay up while navigating up and down.

Personally, Ctrl+Q on windows was not ideal so I remapped it to Alt+D. Remaping can be done under IDE Settings/Keymap. Once in the keymap menu, just search for Quick Documentation.


Go to Settings -> Editor -> General then enable Show quick documentation on mouse move


The closest to Eclipse will be Ctrl+Button2 Click (Scroll click)

It’s called Quick Doc in IntelliJ, I wish guys from JetBrains one day add quick doc like Eclipse with Ctrl+Mouse Move it’s so much better.

In my case only with only mouse move is a bit annoying, so if you search in Preferences/Settings –> Keymap for “quick documentation” you will find:

  • Win-Linux: “Ctrl+Q” and “Ctrl+Button2 Click” (Scroll click)
  • Mac: “Ctrl+J” and “Ctrl+Button2 Click” (Scroll click)

IntelliJ IDEA 15 added this feature

Now it is available as EAP.

As you can see in the picture below, the caret position doesn’t influence the cursor position:

This feature was implemented in IntelliJ IDEA 15 142.4675.3 Release Notes.


For me, it wasn’t just getting the javadoc window to open, but also getting the complete javadoc to present. You may still get a sparse javadoc that is based solely on the method signature if you are importing libraries from a Maven repository and do not tell Idea to include the javadocs in the download. Be sure to tick the “JavaDocs” option in the “Download Library From Maven Repository” dialog, which can be found under Project Structure -> Projtect Settings -> Libraries.


I have noticed that selecting the method name and pressing F2(Quick Documentation) dispalys it’s JavaDoc.
I am using Intellij 2016, and Eclipse Keymap


Configuration for IntelliJ IDEA CE 2016.3.4 to enable JavaDocs on mouse hover. I am running IntelliJ IDEA on Mac OS but believe that Linux/Windows should have similar options.

Autopopup docs:
IntelliJ IDEA > Preferences > Editor > General > Code Completion

Documentation on mouse move:
IntelliJ IDEA > Preferences > Editor > General

NOTE: Please hit Apply button to apply these settings

Tags: java