Pic32ubl For Mac

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Aug 25, 2014  This gui application is to write a HEX file with PIC32 HID Bootloader(AN1388) on Mac OS X. The pic32prog is a most famous programming utility on Mac and linux but it cannot write a file of odd bytes. Additionaly its source codes are a little complexity to understand. So I ported Microchip PIC32UBL's codes to Mac with Java and Max6. Sep 12, 2011  Reporting: downloading CD's to my imac. This post has been flagged and will be reviewed by our staff. Thank you for helping us maintain CNET's great community. Back to Mac OS forum.

Note: For information on how to take a picture of thescreen in Mac OS X, see ARCHIVED: In Mac OS X, how can I capture the contents of a window or the screen?

You can take a picture of the entire screen under Mac OS bypressing Cmd-Shift-3. (Hold down theCmd and Shift keys and press3.) This function is built into all versionsof Mac OS. An image of your current screen will be saved as a PICTfile (the basic Mac OS graphics file format) on the top level of yoursystem disk. Depending on which version of Mac OS you have, this filewill be named Picture N or Screen N, whereN is a number. You can then view, edit, and print thisfile with any of the many programs designed to work with PICT files.

The basic screen capturing function has some limitations. You cannot take a picture of only a portion of the screen, the mouse pointer is always included in the image, and you can't capture the screen while a menu is pulled down. In System 6, it only works with black-and-white, 9-inch monitors.

Mac OS 7.6 and later incorporate a more advanced screen capture function. Cmd-Shift-3 works the same as in earlier versions, but in addition, Cmd-Shift-4 allows you to capture rectangular sections of your screen. To do this:

  1. Press Cmd-Shift-4.
  2. Move your mouse to the upper-left corner of the area you want tocapture. Hold down the mouse button and drag the mouse to thelower-right corner of the area you want to capture.
  3. Release the mouse button. This will save the area as a PICTimage. If you want to cancel, press the Spacebar.

If you press Cmd-Shift-4 with the CapsLock key down and then click a window, a PICT image of thatwindow will be saved. For any of the key combinations described,you may also hold the Ctrl key down. This will savethe capture to the Clipboard instead of to a PICT file.

If the built-in screen capture utility does not suit your needs, other programs are available with additional features. Availableshareware and freeware screen capture utilitiesfor Mac OS computers include:

  • Captura: Captura is a freeware application thatcan take pictures of part or all of the screen. Unlike many otherscreen capture utilities, it isn't a control panel or extension, so itis less likely to cause system instabilities. It is available from the HernanSoft web site.
  • Flash-It: A shareware control panel by Nobu Toge,Flash-It will capture the screen, menus, or windows, scale them, andsave them to the Clipboard, the Scrapbook, or a PICT file, or sendthem to the printer.
  • PICTify: A freeware control panel by ScottJohnson, PICTify allows you to capture windows, menus, or user-definedareas, saving them either to a PICT file or the Clipboard.
  • Snapz Pro: Shareware by Ambrosia Software, Snapz isa flexible screen capture control panel that can dither and scalecaptured windows and pull-down menus, and then save them as PICT,GIF, or JPEG files. It also will put thedimensions of the image in the capture file's Get Infocomments.

You can obtain shareware and freeware programs from a number of online archives. For more, see ARCHIVED: For Mac OS X, where can I download freeware, shareware, commercialsoftware, and software updates?

How to rewrite Firmware

The USB HID Bootloader (PICrouter_HIDBL.X) is implemented on the PICrouter. So you don't need to use the Microchip PICKit3 or ICD3 to rewrite the firmware.

First, you have to switch the PICrouter to the bootloader mode in one of two ways bellow:

  1. By holding down the 'SW1' switch and pushing the 'RESET' switch on the board.
  2. By sending the OSC message '/sys/soft/reset bootloader'.

If switching to the bootloader mode has succeeded, the LED1 (Red) blinks. After this, one of the following applications must be launched to flash a HEX file to your board:

Driver Mac OSX Snow Leopard and OSX Lion Update for Creative Professional E-MU® 0202 USB, 0404 USB, Tracker Pre USB and 0204 USB This software contains the latest versions of the Mac OS X application and driver for the E-MU 0202, 0404, Tracker Pre and 0204 USB audio interfaces. Emu 0202 driver for mac.

  • PIC32UBL.exe (Windows)
  • PIC32UBL_Max.app (Mac OS X)


  1. Check the box 'Enable' in 'Communication Settings'-'USB'.
  2. Click on the 'Connect' button and connect the PICrouter. The 'Device Connected' is shown if you have a successful connection.
  3. Click on the 'Load Hex File' button and select the HEX file in the 'Open File Dialog'. 'Hex file loaded successfully' is shown.
  4. Click on the 'Erase-Program-Verify' button to start the process. 'Flash erased', 'Programming completed' and 'Verification successful' are shown if the procedure has succeeded.
  5. Click on the 'Run Application' button and restart your PICrouter.
  6. Click on the 'Disconnect' button and close the application.

PIC32 UBL_Max.app

  1. Click on the 'openBL' button and connect the PICrouter. 'Succeeded to open HID Bootloader(AN1388)!' will be show if you have a successful connection.
  2. Click on the 'Load HEX file' button and select the HEX file. 'Load HEX file Successfully.' will be show if it's loaded correctly.
  3. Click on the 'Erase' button and erase the program area. 'Program Erased' will be shown when finished.
  4. Click on the 'Program' button and start transmitting the HEX file. When finished, 'Program Completed.' will be shown. Please, keep the connection between your Mac and the board while 'Program Writing…' is displayed!
  5. Click on the 'Run Application' button and restart your PICrouter.
  6. Close the application.

Note on developing:

If you make a new project and use the bootloader, you need to add the 'app_32MX675F512H.ld' in 'Linker Files'.

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